My son broke my air conditioner

I truly do not understand how some people have more than one child.

I have my hands full with just one kid.

I cannot imagine having three or more. My mom raised seven children, and the more I think about it the more I admire her great strength. She was always so sweet and kind though very consistent and a firm believer in discipline. She made sure all of her children learned to be respectful and work hard. I do not know how she kept all of my brothers in line. They were typical boys, and they had quite a bit of energy. My son has broken so many things. If I had more boys, I do not think that I would have anything left in my house of any value. My son broke my air conditioner the other day, and truly have no idea how he did it. I was cooking dinner when I heard a loud crash in the living room. I ran to see what had happened and to make sure my son was not hurt. He was crying, but he was not hurt. The loud noise of the air conditioner falling out of the window onto the living room floor had scared him. I asked him what happened, and he tried to explain it to me, but all I got out of it was that he was pretending that the air conditioner was the wind while he was on a boat. Somehow, he manage to pull the air conditioner right out of the window. I am so glad that he was not hurt, but I am really upset about not having an air conditioner. I will have to get a new one sometime soon because having a warm house is not something that I particularly enjoy.


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