It's chilly as hell in here

I appreciate our sibling, then we’ve always had a pretty close relationship plus all of us see each other at least two or multiple times a week.

I don’t always go over to his home though, especially in the summertime! That’s because our sibling keeps the temperature control in his home set so low that I freeze the whole time I’m there! She’s always been a man with a naturally high body temperature, however he would wear shorts all Winter time long when all of us were kids, if our mom would let her.

When I would be chilly chilly while I was in the Winter time weeks, he would be fanning herself plus trying to open the windows. I, but, would be huddling by the heating vents trying to moderate myself up, but and now that we’re adults, it’s still the same thing. Except now, she’s living in his own home plus so I have to just suffer whenever I’m over at his house. I don’t even understand how he can live with his temperature control set so low. I suppose it legitimately saves his cash on his heating bills in the winter, however his air conditioner costs in the Summer have to be astronomically high! Whenever he comes to our house, he complains about being too hot! But I tell his that’s because I’m normal plus he isn’t! I suppose sorry for his future spouse plus kids, because they are going to be chilly all the time. She runs his air conditioner more often than anyone else I’ve ever met. I don’t believe what he would do if his happened to tear up while I was in the summer! She’d legitimately tranathletic activity out!


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