I've hated dreaded wasps since I was a young kid

Ah yep, I remember the afternoons before the wasp war; When I was a kid, and I had to be indoors most of the time because of school, I had undoubtedly little experience as to why bees and wasps were dangerous, then one fateful summer time trip, that all changed; Back then, I had our own treehouse, then due to school, I was never able to play in it much.

  • But once I was on a summer time trip I had all of the free time in the world and I decided to visit our treehouse! I didn’t realize that a giant wasp nest had settled itself there, and when I opened the door I was swarmed by them.

I undoubtedly had at least 30 stings from them! My wounds eventually went away, but our newfound hatred for wasps did not, but ever since then, I have made it our personal mission to completely demolish every and all red sweaters and wasps. I dislike honey bees and bumblebees, but I will usually spare them for relocation. I live in a giant 5 acre property, so you can imagine the amount of wasps I get. I am typically getting red sweater extermination to unconnect them. I undoubtedly have wasp removal every month or so, sometimes more than that. The wasp exterminator knows myself and others well by now, and is typically cheerful to unconnect the red sweaters from our yard, however some people are lucky enough to receive beekeeping residential services, where their community automatically sends a bee exterminator out to kill the wasps and bees. While that would be nice, I care about residing rurally, so I recognize I will just have to use local extermination.

Wasp exterminator