Making the HVAC door prettier

I’m not going to lie, I really hate bifold doors. I hate that the folds catch dust and they alway look cheap. Cleaning a bifold is very disheartening. When I moved into my home I made it my mission to remove all the bifolds and replace them with better doors. The only spot I got stumped on was the HVAC closet. You need to have ventilation for the heating and cooling system. I couldn’t find a door that allowed the air to move freely. The bifold now made more sense. I decided to tinker around with my current bifold to make it work with my heating and AC system but not be so ugly. I made the top solid. I cut wood pieces to perfectly fit, mudded, sanded it smooth and painted it white to match my walls. The bottom portion I removed all the slats in the bifold and added a white mesh. Technically it is what you would add to gutters I believe. The white mesh looks cool on the bottom of my door and allows the air to leave the closet. I then added brand new silver knobs and new hinges. The door is new and improved. It makes you want to open them and see what is inside. I hope nobody does though since all it houses is a big, ugly HVAC unit. My HVAC device is beige, dusty and has a giant piece of ductwork hooked to it. I really should make the door less cute so that nobody tries to peek inside. That is my ugly spot in the house.

air conditioner install