Seven More Articles to go and Then I Clean the Flat and Pack Up

Today my mind is a bit hectic with my trip coming up tomorrow morning and a new flatmate coming tonight.

The best way to handle this is to constantly tell your mind to come back to the present moment and focus on the task at hand.

It is easy to get distracted when you have something looming in the distance, but staying focused and getting your work done will allow you to tackle that other thing when the time comes. I just have about another hour of work to do and then I can focus on the other HVAC equipment work that needs to be done. I have to do a heat pump repair later this evening when these customers get home, but for now I need to get this writing done so that I can move on from it. I like to set a timer for an hour on my iPad and work till the alarm goes off, after that I take a break from the screen to rest my eyes a bit. I have been working in the HVAC industry as a heating technician for many years and really enjoy helping bring heating and cooling to people’s homes when they really need it. I’ve made a lot of friends over the years from working in different homes and have had a lot of fun times hanging out with them while I work on their central heating and air conditioning systems. I will probably work for another 15 years and then collect my full dose of social security from the good old USA.

HVAC serviceman