I met my husband while changing the central heating in his restaurant

We are now married

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was star-struck when I saw him, and my colleague had to nudge me to get me out of the clouds. It was a Friday morning, and we were on our way from the local business offices to attend to a customer requesting we help with his restaurant’s heating service. It was a big restaurant right at the beach and had beautiful interiors. Since I was the local contractor supervisor, I asked the customer more questions to make it easier for us to understand more about heating and how we could solve the issue. I saw a couple of space heaters in the restaurants, and the explanation was that since the geo heat pump was not providing quality heating, the owner had taken a step to improve the service with the heating device he had. I could have sworn that the owner knew more about HVAC than most other contractors. The owner was very handsome, and his features and the way he spoke captivated me. I had to pinch myself out of staring at him and listen to what he had to say about his central heating. He pointed out that he did not want new heating, so we needed to ensure that. We started with the heater maintenance and established the issue. After fixing the unit, we upgraded the regulator to a digital thermostat and shared energy-saving help tips with him. I was surprised when he asked for my number after we were done, and he also later asked me for dinner. We are now married. I met him at a job, and he says when he saw me, he almost forgot why there were strangers dressed in overalls in his restaurant that early in the morning.

HVAC system