Nine Hours then the Fireplace will be roaring

I’m going to have a small group of my friends come over for a bonfire party tonight at my aunt’s lake house and then I will be flying out of here for another year or 2.

It isn’t so easy to live in various weird countries each year, although I am trying my best to do so.

It would absolutely be easy if I didn’t squander over $100K on the dumb cryptos that I bought and whittled away down to almost zero trying to trade stocks on a sinking ship. Maybe a miracle will occur and crypto will explode again though. Heating, Ventilation & A/C method service is on my radar nowadays, because I have given up on the trading and am just letting what I have left sit to see if it will rise back up again, and this local supplier keeps myself and others tied up with heating and cooling service house calls while I am here, however it would be a heck of a lot easier to travel if I had that cash that I lost still in the bank. My mother told myself and others before I invested it to just leave it in the bank where it will be safe, however no, I had to instantly drop it into a ticking time bomb then slowly watch it disappear into nothing within just a few weeks… I told my heating company friend that while my associate and I were working on an electric gas furnace and a smart climate control unit replacement, that I would provide anything if I could turn back time and get that money back that my dead parents left myself and others before they passed away. Talk about feeling guilty inside, sheesh I assume that and much more.

a/c care program