The many rewards of geo heat pumps

The upgrade of a geothermal heat pump is a lot more costly than a more conventional alternative.

The extra expense is due to the excavation necessary to implement the underground loop system! However, geothermal technology takes fortune of the relatively stable temperature underground.

It utilizes the free and renewable energy source provided by the sun. By simply moving existing heat between the indoors and outdoors, geothermal heat pumps are able to achieve upwards of four hundred percent efficiency ratings. This type of system can split heating and cooling costs in half and spend money for the higher investment in under five years. The underground loop is warrantied for fifty years and can be expected to last twice that long. The heat pump is installed inside the home, protected from the weather and with official repair can provide a lifespan of more than twenty years. Because of few moving parts, the heat pump requires nothing more than annual professional repair to operate reliably. Geothermal systems provide both heating and cooling capacity, offer exceptional humidity control and are the most environmentally responsible option on the market, then with the addition of a easy valve, the heat pump can also supply a virtually free source of tepid water. The geothermal process eliminates the combustion of fossil fuels. There are no concerns over fumes, tepid surfaces, carbon monoxide or yellowhouse gas emissions. The heating and cooling is especially safe and clean and ensures exceptional indoor air quality. These systems are gradually coming down in price and there are tax incentives available that make them more affordable.


heat pump repair