I don’t believe in restaurant energy-saving measures

A few nights ago, I went for lunch at a hamburger restaurant with some friends.

  • The staff was really friendly as they served us our food.

We all ordered hamburgers and fries. Some of us ordered large cold beers to drink, as it was a warm day. We had just come back from playing volleyball at the beach, so we felt really thirsty and hungry. We had a pleasant and fun time together, and sure enough, one of my friends was starting to get merry. He doesn’t have much alcohol tolerance and soon gets drunk, even with just one beer. As we were eating, I noticed a sign on the door that said: “This establishment complies with energy saving measures: heater: 19 °C, air conditioner: 27 °C. Ambient humidity control. Automatic doors. Showcase lighting up to 22 h.” I chuckled to myself because the whole time I was there, the HVAC was set too high. I was actually a bit cold and had to put on my sweater at one point. I asked one of the waitresses if she could turn it down, but she said they couldn’t because it’s always the same temperature in the summer. I must say that the HVAC service in the restaurant totally spoiled my meal because it was just too chilly inside. I’m really skeptical about the whole energy-saving business, if the restaurant’s HVAC system was truly efficient, it wouldn’t have been set so high. Also, the amount of lighting the restaurant was using was unnecessary, and the air conditioner was causing the air to be too dry. So I don’t know what the “humidity control” statement was all about. Nevertheless, I had a great time with my friends despite the cooling system.


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