Overlooking the upkeep of duct system results in furnace problems

I am very good about scheduling maintenance for the furnace and air conditioner.

Every fall, I hire a licensed HVAC contractor to inspect, clean and adjust the heating system.

I do the same for the cooling system in the spring. Because of investing in this service, I know that the furnace and air conditioner are operating at their best. They operate more efficiently and cost less in energy bills. There’s less chance of safety risks, health concerns or malfunction. The heating and cooling units should last years longer because all components are kept in peak condition. I also comply with the obligations of the manufacturer’s warranty. So when the furnace started having problems last January, I was surprised. I noticed it was not putting out as much heat and yet spreading a lot of dust throughout the house. The air from the vents had a weird smell and certain rooms were much colder than others. I immediately called my regular HVAC company and scheduled a repair. The technician found no issues with the furnace but discovered a significant buildup of debris within the duct system. The duct cleaning process only took a couple of hours and caused no mess or disruption to my home. The technician recommended that I have the duct system inspected and tested every three to five years. I was amazed by the improvement in the performance of the furnace. My house is now so much more comfortable and stays far cleaner. It even smells better. My energy bills are about 30 percent lower all year round. I will no longer neglect the upkeep of the duct system.

