Might want to protect every window

I was recently painting the window trim along the house to spruce up the arena.

  • I have observed that my windows are all total garbage.

They are rusted, old plus hardly open plus closed. I bet they let in hot plus freezing air plus spike my energy costs too. I have been looking into bizarre window companies because I want to substitute everything. I want every window ripped out plus substituted with new. The frame of the windows right now are black. I Want the basic colorless kind. I also want window tints on particular a singles. The bathroom windows are quite tall. I have never seen a bathroom window that shows so much of the space. I always need to strategically arena my body so I don’t get seen from the outside. Thankfully the windows face the back of the house. I still want privacy. If I do a window tint, I could only do the windows at the back of the house. That would be tinting both bathrooms plus my son’s living room. I don’t think he will mind since he still will be able to see even with the window film installed. It will just look bizarre from the outside. I can even get a window tint that matches the color of my house if I want to. Since looking into tints, I have thought about doing every window plus just never doing curtains again. That way I can always see outdoors but have total privacy. I can even get a sun control window film so I don’t need to worry about the energy costs.



Home Window Tinting Installations