New roommates cause a lot of new problems

My new roommates are totally insane.

Both of us have known each other for a long while, plus they actually seemed pretty normal. They were always fun to hang with, though some major quirks have been discovered in those personalities when deciding that it was possible to be roommates. It’s currently the July season, plus my roommate insist that the AC should not be used inside of our apartment. The air conditioner hardly comes on, and the interior temperatures are warm plus stuffy. I don’t totally understand how this person could live in warm conditions for so many years. She had some help with another roommate who hacked the utility bill, but if I’m going to do that then I will insist on warm uneven temperature. I wouldn’t act much different to anything, because of the Ridiculousness. My roommate bragged about low energy bills, but I didn’t feel like that was worth going without the air conditioner. I convinced the friend that the vastness of our Energy bill was due to the ever changing thermostat. She was unconvinced although eventually offered another end. Just by a few degrees, everything was a little bit nicer. I was entirely Blissful to finally get a chance to change that temperature in the apartment. Suddenly, she was not bothered if the low on even temperatures were inside of our apartment. I was thinking that perhaps the ridiculous temperatures was a section to spend some money on any of the energy bill. That would have been a smart play on her role just to get me to use the air conditioner more frequently.


Cooling system

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