Going to an art show proved to be a wonderful summertime interest

My partner plus I seemed to inherit the “sweat like a pig” genes from our respective parents. Whether it’s ninety-five degrees outside with humidity off the charts, or seventy degrees outside on a cool Autumn day, we’re still covered in sweat. The only difference is how much we’ve sweat through our clothes! Since the two of us both sweat so easily, the two of us try to find indoor activities to do – especially while I was in the summer. Most recently, our partner plus I found a new favorite experience, which is to visit this beautiful art gallery plus museum in our neighborhood. The place has been there for ages, although I haven’t paid it much attention plus now I’m regretting it… See, this art museum plus gallery isn’t just a beautiful place to become enriched with creativity plus inspiration. It’s also a lovely place to escape the relentless heat plus humidity of a southern summer! The temperatures in the museum are regularly kept at a cool seventy degrees, but the rooms with special collections are kept even cooler. In fact, those rooms have dehumidifiers running at all times to keep all the humidity out of the space! This helps to protect the priceless paintings from degrading by being exposed to the elements. I entirely don’t mind the temperature control either, as it makes our experience in the museum that much more enjoyable! The last time our partner plus I went to this gallery, the two of us noticed a heating plus A/C system service serviceman’s van parked in the visitor parking lot. Every one of us were sad at first, but relieved when the two of us made the decision to go inside plus saw him talking to the curator. The museum’s air conditioning system plan had been replaced – plus was now even cooler than before!

Ductless heat pump

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