Car window tints are easy to do.

I had my car into the auto customization shop last month.

They were replacing the pin striping on my Corvette.

While I sat there, I was able to look out onto the work floor and I was watching them put window tints onto a truck. I had often thought about having window tint put onto my Corvette, but I was afraid of how it would look if I did it. The longer I watched these guys, the more I became convinced that window tints are easy to do and I could probably do it for myself. They had a squeegee and a blow dryer, both of which I had at home. I asked the man at the counter if they sold window tint kits. He asked if I owned the silver Vette and I smiled. He said it looked a lot easier to install than it was and it was easy to mess up the tint, or even scratch the car if you weren’t sure what you were doing. I really didn’t think it could be that difficult, and wondered if he wasn’t just trying to keep the job for the customization shop. I told him that I was pretty sure I could do the job, and I bought the window tint kit. I was doubting my confidence when I got home and pulled out the window tint kit. It wasn’t nearly as easy to install as I had imagined, once I got it out of the box. I had to cut it, fit it and adhere to the glass. Just cutting the film was a feat in itself. Within an hour I had given up and called the auto customization shop to get an appointment to have window tint installed on my car.

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