The red tailed hawk sat on my AC for an hour

The red-tailed hawk is one of the largest Birds of Prey in this country. They can be found in a number of different climates and biozones. They can be found in the desert, grasslands, forests, and even urban areas like the city. I rarely see wildlife in the city, so citing a red-tailed hawk was a real treat. I was sitting in the window of my kitchen when a red-tailed hawk landed on the AC unit outside. The air conditioner was running at the time, but the hawk didn’t seem bothered by the vibration or the noise. The set on top of the air conditioner for almost an hour. I snapped about 50 pictures and I managed to capture a three-minute video of the hawk as well. I posted the video and pictures online. A lot of people could not believe that the hawk sat on the air conditioner for an entire hour. I had two pictures and videos as proof. A couple of days after I posted all of the information online, I received a telephone call from the University nearby. They saw the pictures that I posted online and they wanted to get more information about my contact and experience with the bird. It is absolutely rare to see this type of bird of prey in our city, so the college ornithology department wants to look into it more closely to see if there is a nest of birds located in this region. I never thought the pictures and videos would turn into a huge project for the college, but I think it’s pretty neat.


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