My mom is signing up for an air filter subscription service

My mom has decided to sign up for an air filter subscription service. I actually think that this is going to be a good idea for her because she always forgets to change the air filter in her HVAC system at her house. When she first started talking about doing it, I thought it was a dumb idea and a good way to waste money. I feel like anybody should be able to change their air filters on time if they need to be changed. However, that’s just not how my mom is. She forgets things all the time and it’s not just because she is getting older. She has always been very flakey and hard to depend on. I guess that’s why I always end up stepping in and trying to do things for her. I don’t really know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, though. Now that we are getting older, I really wish that she could do more stuff for herself. That’s why I was happy when she told me that she signed up for this air filter subscription service. From now on, I’m not gonna have to worry about going over there to make sure that her heating and cooling system is being taken care of. Every month, the air filter subscription service sends paper a new air filter straight to her door. This is supposed to remind her that she needs to go and change the air filters and throw the old one in the trash. If this does not work for her, then I don’t know what would! I just don’t wanna have to do it for her anymore.

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