I don’t get maintenance as often as I should

Luckily, it was nothing to be worried about, it was a small minor issue

I always knew I was taking a bit of a risk. Unlike most people, I knew that going without heating and air conditioning maintenance each year comes with a risk of something being wrong with the HVAC system and it going unnoticed. That was the entire point of the HVAC tune ups, to find anything wrong with the air conditioning system and fix it before it becomes a big problem. Well, even though I knew I should get the maintenance every year, I decided to save a bit of money each time and skip it. It was probably in the 4th or 5th year without heating and air conditioning maintenance that I noticed my HVAC unit was taking longer to heat and cool my home. Instead of cooling my home in 15 to 30 minutes, it could take well over an hour. I decided to call a heating and A/C worker, and they were able to come out the next day. When the heating worker looked at the A/C machine, I couldn’t help but to fear for the worst. Luckily, it was nothing to be worried about, it was a small minor issue. Once the issue was repaired, my A/C unit went right back to working like normal. I was so glad that it was nothing major, and it taught me a lesson that I should start getting the cooling unit that it deserved every year, which was the proper maintenance, otherwise, I would be in the same situation years down the road, except it could be much much worse in the future.


quality hvac equipment