There were lots of workers on the roof

There were lots of workers up on the roof of my office building the other day, but I didn’t know what they were doing.

I mean, I could tell that they were working on the HVAC system up there, but I didn’t know why.

I mean, the HVAC system in the building seemed like it was working just fine to me at that point. Anyway, these guys were up there banging around all day long. Since my office is up on the top floor of the building now, I could not help but wonder what in the world they were doing up there. I used to work on the second floor, and I don’t think that anyone on that floor was bothered by the work they were doing upstairs on the commercial HVAC system. I started working on the top floor just a few months ago and on that day, I really wished that I was on the second floor again like I used to be. The constant hammering and banging on the roof by these HVAC technicians was really driving me crazy. I still hadn’t noticed that there was an issue with the heating and cooling system at all, but apparently there was something going on with it. I had a really awful day that day and there was just no way that I could get any of my work done. It was so frustrating because I could not believe how loud it actually was up there on the top floor. It almost felt like they were hammering on the ceiling on purpose or something.

quality heating and air