I had to shut off the AC for a short duration

The warm season weather is harshly sizzling and humid.

June is by far the worst month since the temperature starts to hit 90° all day.

The humidity is even worse than the heat. When I go outside, I immediately start perspiring and I’m covered in sweat within no time. It feels so bad. I walk to work during the Spring and Winter months, but I opt to take our automobile when it’s sizzling outside. This warm season we have endured such sizzling and humid weather. Last year, there were six days when the temperatures were over 100°. On one occasion, we had to shut down the cooling system for a few hours. Temperatures on the control component were high and the cooling unit was running without any breaks. It did not shut off at all during the morning. When warm air started to flow out of the air vents instead of freezing air, I got anxious that the A/C needed to be worked on. We shut off the equipment for three hours. I tried to turn it back on after the sun was starting to set. I wasn’t sure if the cooling unit was going to respond or not. Imagine my sheer joy when the cooling unit came right on and started blowing cool air into the house. The reason why it shut off during the morning is due to the drastic heat and humidity. So, that means that during the rest of the warm season we’re likely going to have the same exact troubles. When the temperatures are too hot, we’re going to need to turn off the cooling unit unless we want it to freeze up and fail to work.

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