My mom and dad are installing a UV light air purifier in their house

My mom and dad saw on the news that UV light air purifiers are good for improving the indoor air quality inside of homes and so now they are determined to get one. I told them that we should do some more research on the idea, since you really can’t believe everything that you see on the news. After all, in some scientific circles, they say that UV light from the sun is the worst possible thing for you. So why would you want to willingly put a UV light inside your home? Well, I decided to do some more research for them and I looked up a whole bunch of different HVAC websites to see what I could find out. It turns out that the UV light air purifiers aren’t harmful to humans at all. As a matter of fact, you wouldn’t even ever come into direct contact with it unless you were working on the heating or cooling system. Neither of my parents ever go near their central A/C unit nor their furnace in the basement, so I knew that this wouldn’t be an issue for them. On a good note, the UV light air purifier is able to zap bacteria, viruses, and other potentially harmful pollutants that make their way into your home before they can ever get into your ventilation ducts where you could breathe them in. The UV light destroys the RNA in the cells of harmful microorganisms, and that’s how it kills them and renders them harmless. Now, I actually like the idea of my parents having this type or air purifier.

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