I felt bad for him in the end

If there’s one thing we hate around here, it’s bureaucracy.

In our household, red tape is a swear word.

We prefer to just be left alone to live, and don’t like to engage with the government if we can ever avoid it. As such, I was recently laughing pretty hard when my husband got called into jury duty in a neighboring county. He never changed his registration information over to our city, so he had to take an entire week off of work to hang out at the courthouse. Clearly, everyone was unhappy. But he was the most miserable, because their air conditioning system barely works anymore. He said the cooling system was installed at least 40 years ago when the courthouse was last updated, and yet he doesn’t believe the air conditioner was ever professionally serviced before, based on what he experienced. Obviously, this meant he was sitting all day in subpar air quality – or at least attempting to sit all day in subpar air quality. When he reported to jury duty he was ready for some modern air conditioning, he wasn’t ready for the horrible old cooling system the courthouse hadn’t ever updated. He said the courthouse was so cold that he was legitimately sweating through his pants in his seat, and the people around him asked if he was feeling okay. He turned bright red as he gasped for cool air. He couldn’t wait for the day to be over… But it was 12 hours of burning hot sitting before he was released.When he told me this story, I had empathetic hot flashes and turned down the AC unit a few more degrees for him. Maybe this wasn’t so funny after all.
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