Changing office culture starts with Heating and Air Conditioning comfort

I care about what I do for a living however it sure can be challenging.

Working for this dealer for all these years has seen me in a lot of odd roles. I’ve had a desk inside the zone controlled Heating and Air Conditioning of the corporate office now for about a decade. However, I genuinely don’t spend all that much time inside that office with the amazing a/c. Instead, our job now is to go to struggling offices around the country and help them get turned around. Usually, this involves a management change and I am then the defacto supervisor for months at a time. Once a particular office is stabilized, I turn over the job to the new management team and head back to the zone controlled Heating and Air Conditioning of the corporate office. I’m just finishing up where I am right now and it has been 1 of the most challenging efforts thus far. The location needed a complete culture change due to just the worst management I have seen. These people went separate from stuff as easy as Heating and Air Conditioning maintenance because the previous management split that out of the budget to reflect better numbers. It genuinely was just such a bad situation. The easily first week, I replaced the work environment for all those exhausting people. I couldn’t have come to work in that space and been productive. I put in a new break area with all the amenities and I called the local Heating and Air Conditioning dealer. The Heating and Air Conditioning professionals came out to equip the existing Heating and Air Conditioning device with zone controlled Heating and Air Conditioning. No longer do these folks have to fight over 1 temperature control setting for some 76 people.

heating repair