Have You Ever Heard of Smart Buildings?

Ever since the beginning of time, people have built even the most primitive of shelters from stones, sticks or even mud.

They didn’t resemble the buildings the two of us have this week, but they served the same purpose as what the two of us are still looking for.

They were built to provide comfort plus protection to the inhabitants of those primitive structures. This week’s buildings are more intricate structures with their own systems plus technology. Every aspect of the inside of an edifice has been developed plus improved to allow for the modern-day property owners. Today’s homeowners have the ability to choose their heating, ventilation plus a/c. They can pick out their lighting security plus put all together like they are choosing components for their beach home theatre. Building owners are also contemplating outside the building at their impact on their organizations purpose, the global impact plus the impact their building has on the community. In order to support the electric grid, minimize their energy costs, plus mitigate environmental impact, they require a building that does more than fulfill their mission. Even at the lowest levels, smart buildings will deliver useful repair to give their tenants the ability to produce more at the lowest cost plus environmental impact. So, what is a smart building? A smart building is an edifice that looks beyond the equipment. Smart buildings takes those systems that would traditionally operate independently plus provides them the ability to operate together. By sharing data, the Smart building optimizes total building performance. The systems are synced plus they respond to the smart power grid. The Smart Building interacts with the people who live there all in an effort to perform more efficiently plus with less negative impact on the earth.

building management