I just found out that the neighbors are divorcing

I just found out that our neighbors across the street are going to be getting a divorce.

They are constantly fighting, though, and so I can’t say that I’m overly surprised. We have lived here for about five years now, and I can’t even tell you the number of times that we have heard them having screaming matches from all the way across the street. I don’t know what most of their problems were, but I can tell you that some of the problems had to do with their heating and cooling settings! Several times I heard them fighting about their heating and cooling bills and about their thermostat settings. I always thought that this was really weird because my husband and I never fight about our thermostat settings at all. I know that everyone is different, and you just don’t know what goes on behind closed doors, but I remember thinking that it was strange. Before this, I had never heard anyone fighting about their air conditioning or their furnace system before. Last winter, it had snowed and so the sound really traveled well across the street. I remember them yelling at each other about the heating bills and the way that they were spending a fortune on heating the house. She screamed about the fact that she was cold all the time and he said that it was because she had ice for her heart! I remember thinking that that was pretty harsh, but the fights just got worse as time went on. Now, they’re going to be splitting up and both of them are moving out.



heating and air conditioning system