Ready for my own HVAC again

Moving is never an easy thing.

I have friends who have moved repeatedly for jobs or just to do it.

That’s not been the case for me. I moved to go to college and then into an apartment after college. While living in that apartment with the mediocre heating and cooling, I met my wife. Ironically, we met outside the HVAC of the office building where we both work. We don’t work for the same company but we ate lunch outside of the air conditioning in a nice little courtyard. That’s how we met and eventually fell in love. So then, I moved from that apartment to the house that my wife and I would raise our family. Fast forward 26 years and it was time to move again. But that move would prove to be the toughest move of my life. I really was not excited about leaving our family home. But it was much too big for just the two of us with the kids now out on their own. And we both wanted to cash in on the great real estate market as well. When the HVAC technician told us that it was time to replace the HVAC unit, that was the tipping point for our move. We upgraded the HVAC equipment to the latest in both HVAC technology and residential HVAC. That helped us get an insane amount for our house and having the state of the art residential HVAC to pack up in wasn’t bad either. But now that we are in a rental property, I sure miss having my own HVAC equipment. That is for sure a motivator for us to get back to being homeowners with great HVAC equipment.

air conditioning filter