Recovering this summer with remote thermostat

I still don’t remember a single thing about the accident.

The doctors tell me that this may be permanent. Or, I may just one day have the whole series of events come flooding back to me. It’s just hard to say when there are brain injuries involved. The only thing I clearly remember about that day was that it was colder than normal. Before I left the driveway, I put on the heating in the car which was unusual for March in this part of the country. By March, it’s not unusual for me to even have the air conditioning going in the car. That’s the month around here where the temperatures rise and many people reach for the HVAC cooling and lower the thermostat setting. But that day, it was cold and I wanted a bit of heating in the car on my way to do errands. The next thing I know, I’m waking up days later in the hospital. Lucky to be alive is the way I feel most days. For sure, the surgeries and all the physical therapy to recover have been tough. But when you come that close to dying, spending time healing at home in the air conditioning is a blessing. What’s more, I could count on the smart thermostat to ease my recovery. With the different casts and wraps, I would get hot pretty quick or I’d get cold after too much air conditioning. So having the smart thermostat app on my phone was a great thing. It allowed me to change the thermostat setting from my bed or the couch as I live alone and didn’t always have help.

cooling and heating business