The other day when I was at the hardware store I met a cute HVAC technician

I met a really cute HVAC technician the other day when I was in the HVAC supply products aisle at the hardware store.

I did not really notice him at first but I was standing there searching through the different types of air filters and he was right beside me. He was getting stacks and stacks of air filters and loading them up onto one of those big flatbed carts that they have at the store. By the time that I noticed him, he had a full cart of air filters. I couldn’t find the kind of air filter that I needed for the HVAC system at my house, and that’s when I saw that it was because he had all of them stacked up on his cart! It was like he was stocking up for some reason, and I just needed one! I just stood there and stared at him because he had every single one of the air filters that I needed right there piled up on his cart. When he noticed me glaring at him, he laughed a little and asked me if he had something that I needed. That is when I noticed how attractive he was. He had a cute little dimple in his cheek that showed up when he smiled at me. I told him that I just needed this one particular size of air filter and I just needed one. He went through the stacks on his cart and pulled one out for me. He told me that he was having to get a whole bunch of them for his HVAC company because his supplier had not come through that week.


HVAC maintenance