Adjusting the thermostat to a comfortable sleeping temperature

A few weeks ago, my cousin was in town for a work-related project.

He had the chance of sharing a vacation rental property with a few of his coworkers, but he opted to stay with me instead.

I welcomed the company as I have a guest room and lots of space in my home to accommodate friends and family. The only thing is, I don’t cook, so most people who come to visit will need to figure out their own food. Well, I do cook but I only cook the food that I eat. And because I eat no meat, it’s hard to make meals for others who don’t eat the same things that I do. Anyway, while my cousin was here, I made him dinner one evening and I also made him breakfast. Beyond that, he was on his own and luckily, he’s old enough to take care of himself. The first night he was here, I gave him a tour of the house. Whenever I have guests, I always tell them to adjust the thermostat to whatever temperature makes them comfortable. Well, on the first night, my cousin set the thermostat to 72 degrees. I typically sleep with it at 76 and then I use my ceiling fan for additional comfort. That night, I woke up freezing because the thermostat was set too low. Even my cousin mentioned that he was cold as well, and he requested additional blankets for the room. The next night, we decided to increase the temperature on the thermostat to 74 degrees. Though it was still a bit too cold for me, it was a lot more comfortable than 72. My cousin slept better as well.

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