Need to set up a humidifier with the heater in the winter

Where I live, Winter time starts early & hangs around forever.

Winter time is around 8 weeks long usually; The frigid can get into the downside double digits.

The air is dry, frigid & stale, then pair this horrible air with the furnace working overtime to combat the cold. The furnace in our beach house works all afternoon long, everyday… It heats at the maximum capacity for eight weeks hoping to keep our family & I hot enough, but a heating idea naturally draws the moisture out of the air to create heating. Adding the already dry & frigid air of Winter time makes the beach house indoor air a mess. The indoor air pollen levels is so dry that static shock is a constant thing. I worry every year about our wood furnishings, molding & antiques cracking due to the lack of moisture. I frequently suffer from bloody noses, chapped lips & rashes due to the lack of moisture. I suppose what I need to do to fix this indoor air pollen levels issue. I need to pair our furnace equipment with a humidifier. The humidifier can be installed right into the gas furnace device. As the heating idea warms the beach house air quality, the humidifier introduces moisture, however no more shocks, chapped lips or dry nasal passages. Also, a more moist beach house feels warmer. With added liquid in the air quality, the furnace can legitimately be set lower & help a homeowner save on weekly bills. The humidifier that I am eyeing up is not too high-priced either. I also suppose I could install this IAQ device on our own too.


Air conditioning repair service