Working in the summer heat

My parents have been on my case about getting a job this summer.

Most of the kids at my high school don’t have jobs because their parents want them to focus on their grades.

Well, my parents don’t like that logic because they think that I should be able to balance both a job and school especially since it’s summer break and I won’t be taking any classes. I am a little bummed out that I won’t be able to relax with my friends this summer, but it will be nice to have some extra spending money. I finally found a job working as a lifeguard. I am excited that I will be able to workout everyday and get some sun, but I am not looking forward to sitting outside without air conditioning. I will be able to take breaks in the office that does have air conditioning but in the lifeguard stand, there is no cooling system. I think I might have to get a small fan to help keep me cool because breaks to sit in the air conditioning for fifteen minutes isn’t going to cut it in the summer heat. I hope that it won’t be something that is hard to adjust too. I know once my shift is over I am going to run home, jump in a cold shower and sit under the cool air conditioning for hours. My mom might not be happy that I am running up her electric bill, but she is the one that wanted me to have a job in the first place!
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