My friend tried to trade me for my air conditioner

My friend tried to trade me something for my air conditioner, and he almost got away with it too.

He knew that I was in no condition to be trying to make a deal with my air conditioner, and my wife was furious when she found out.

My friend and I were hanging out, and we had been drinking for a long time. I was completely wasted, but he seemed to be slowing down so that he could keep his head about him. We were sitting in the living room, and the window air conditioner was making sure that we were all comfortable while we were enjoying ourselves. Finally, my friend told me that he didn’t have an air conditioner in his house. At first, I didn’t understand why he was talking about the air conditioner. Finally, after a bit more drinking, he tried to take my air conditioner from me. I was barely awake, but he tried to convince me that I should trade the window air conditioner for a case of beer. Since I was so drunk, I couldn’t see why trading the air conditioner for that price was a bad idea. My friend nearly had the air conditioner out fo the window before my wife came out and was trying to figure out why he was stealing our air conditioner. When I told her that he was trading me some booze for the air conditioner, she was angry. She realized what he was doing and refused to let him have the air conditioner. I haven’t hung out with him since then.


air conditioning company