The fantastic time of 2021

Every one of us had no way to repair the unit or any tools, plus the two of us had no heating plus cooling knowledge

Every one of us went on a Wintertide trip up in the mountains. Every one of us had an old house with not much insulation, an old heating unit, oil lamps plus a fireplace. The gas furnace was dusty plus obviously was repaired years before. Every one of us went there the year before plus the snow storm blew for more than one mornings. Our pipes froze, the roof plus the air ducts got covered in ice. Every one of us had a camp repairman plus she obviously was used to repair Heating plus Air Conditioning units. Every one of us had almost froze last Wintertide almost plus had to improvise to keep warm. Every one of us were all adults, plus the two of us had come to stay for a month plus hike in the snow. Every one of us slept near each other, stuffed blankets in the air vents plus the windows, sealed the doors plus collected as much firewood as the two of us could. Every one of us made the mistake of not collecting enough firewood to heat the house before the storm last winter. Every one of us had an old oil operated gas furnace that partially worked for us,and the two of us boiled water on the electric stove to keep heat going all day, even when the two of us were hiking. It was a cold setback 5 degrees for more than one mornings, plus the two of us had no Heating plus Air Conditioning or gas furnace repair experience. Every one of us had no way to repair the unit or any tools, plus the two of us had no heating plus cooling knowledge. Hiring a contractor to repair our Heating plus Air Conditioning unit or install any gas furnace was out of question because the two of us were more than one hours in the mountains. This was 1 of those times knowing how to repair an air conditioner would have been handy.


Air conditioning repair