Honey for sale

We have several Amish produce stands in our area.

We live in an area that is rife with the Amish and Mennonite community.

You need to always be aware of the horse and buggies that would be on the roads. It was nothing to see a family of Amish children riding their bicycles along the road. I had been befriended by one of the Amish families that lived in our area and when we saw each other, we would stop and chat. I enjoyed talking to Mary and she was telling me that she was going to be pure honey soon. Her son had decided to become a beekeeper and he was getting some good quality honey. I loved cooking with honey and my husband made honey wine and beer. It would be nice to be able to utilize the local honey beekeepers, especially when you knew them. The honey was a bit expensive, but I didn’t mind because I believe that the honey for sale was of good quality. I’m sure it was good honey, but it still had a lot of the honeycomb in it. Mary said I could sieve the honey and remove the honeycomb, which I did. I was really grossed out when my husband melted down the honey and ran it through cheesecloth. There were bees legs and antennae in the cheesecloth. The next time I see a sign for ‘Honey for Sale’, I will pass it up. I don’t think I will be buying honey again, any time soon. I guess it took buying natural honey from the beekeeper to make me realize it was a product that came from animals.


Wasp Extermination

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