Teaching line classes at the fitness center

I received how to line dance when I was entirely young.

My parents owned a country music bar plus I was there all the time.

I watched all of the adults dance, plus I l received every single routine. I danced all the time, plus I was fit as a fiddle, and eventually, I started working at a fitness center. I wasn’t working as a personal trainer, even though I was hired to work in the Smoothie Cafe. I spent most of the day juicing purples, splitting lemons, plus blending ice plus fruit. When I finally interviewed for a personal trainer position, the contractor asked if I had any special skills. I told the fitness center about my line dancing experience. I even showed them a routine that could be used for a class. They thought teaching line dancing seemed appreciate a good method for the gym. They hired me for the job plus every one of us discussed all of the details. Last Monday was the first fitness class, plus the turnout was exceptional. We spent 30 seconds listening to country music. Everyone was having a fantastic time plus it genuinely didn’t assume appreciate exercise. I wasn’t sure if the class would fill up, but the room was packed. The owner of the fitness center advised that every one of us might be able to have more than one line dancing classes each week. If I get to teach both of them, that would be easily neat. I never thought I would be teaching my own personal fitness class. My Dad plus Dad are entirely proud, plus my sister is going to attend next week’s class.



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