Making sure to get the HVAC maintenance

I’m always thankful each winter about this time.

I’m thankful that I have a great house with great HVAC equipment. Where we live, the winter is no joke. And this time of year is when we are in the teeth of winter weather. There is plenty of snow and ice. The temperature stays well below freezing for much of the time as well. So having a great HVAC heating method is so important to those living in this region. And I count myself to be very fortunate to have great residential HVAC. Our HVAC equipment is in great shape and we do our best to look after it. A big part of that is making sure the HVAC unit gets service from the HVAC professionals. And I’m not just talking about getting heating maintenance every few years or something. No, we make sure that we get consistent heating maintenance in the fall which is then followed by an air conditioning tune-up in the spring. There is just no substitute for this HVAC maintenance schedule. For one, the HVAC unit runs far more efficiently which saves me money on HVAC heating and cooling costs during the winter and the summer. The HVAC maintenance also prepares the HVAC equipment to absorb the demand that gets put on it. For sure, the gas furnace is getting a big load right now. The gas furnace has to cycle on and off throughout the day and night to provide the heating we need. The HVAC heating maintenance makes that possible.


heating and cooling