Going without cooling

When my sister moved to the southwestern part of the country with her hubby and her family, they had no idea how important central A/C can be to someone in the South.

  • They ended up getting a nice looking house that had a wonderful fireplace, but it did not having working air conditioning.

They did not think anything of it at the time. And they moved into their modern house and enjoyed never needing to light their fireplace or think about gas or oil or central heating systems all winter, however when summertime rolled around, my sister and her family were a lot less happy with their modern home. It was a hot, humid summer time and they found it truly and really impossible to keep comfortable without a working central air conditioning system in the home. They tried installing ceiling fans, but the fans just blew around the warm, damp air, then coming inside from a sweltering overheated summer time day should be a relief, with cool, air conditioned air washing all over you, then but my poor sister said she was only comfortable when she was in the nice cool air conditioned grocery store, sitting in front of their freezers in the ice cream section of it. My sister and her spouse didn’t wait until summer time was over to call an Heating, Ventilation, and A/C corporation. They had an entire central heating and A/C plan of a system installed, right down to the air duct. My sister said it was overpriced, but necessary, as she doesn’t think she would have lived through another month away from an A/C.

Heat pump service