I do think the heater needs work

The issue is that I am not thinking about my heating and the lack of a battery until I want the heater

My gas fireplace should work by a cordless remote. The remote is able to turn the heating system on and off. Also, it can adjust the thermostat temperature. The remote is not able to do this anymore due to a battery issue. Ideally this would mean the remote has run out of juice. It is not that easy though. The power source inside of the fireplace that the remote works with is out of juice, but so right now my family and I have to manually turn on and off the gas furnace. Also, thermostat adjustments are no more. The heating system is either fully heating or totally off. The reason I have not replaced the battery inside of the fireplace is that it is too tepid in there, and where the power source is situated is inside and up high within the fireplace. I would have to take off the front vent, stick my whole arm up in there and fish around for the battery. Then I would buy modern and install it myself. The fireplace gets super tepid when it is on. I could not even brush against it without a serious burn. So I have to wait for the gas furnace to have been off for awhile before I touch anything. The issue is that I am not thinking about my heating and the lack of a battery until I want the heater. In the summer time would be a nice time to tackle the project. But, nobody thinks about heating repair when they are swimming in the pool or tanning outside.
Digital thermostat

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